Case 7.287 Release Notes
Sentinel 1.88 Release Notes
CASE 7.287
Vision (pending - not yet released)
We are establishing default favorites for users when they are initially set-up, so they can start using Vision immediately without having to set up their own favorites. They will still have the capability to use location favorites established by their location administrators, create their own favorites, and delete the default favorites. The default favorites include:
Service Default Favorites
- Promised Assets - Cases with an ETR in the next 5 days
- Ready for Pick-up - Cases with a status of Complete (here)
- Extended WIP - Cases with provider downtime over 3 days
- WIP - Cases created in the last 30 days that are not in a status of Complete (here) or Complete (gone)
- Large Estimates - Cases with estimates over $1,000
- ETR Overdue - Cases with ETR in the past
- Approved Estimates - Cases with status of Approved
- Extended Update - Cases that have not been updated in the last day
- Awaiting Customer Approval - Cases with status of Hold (auth)
- Best Practice - Cases that are missing best practice steps or data
- Follow-up Overdue - Cases with Follow-up Time in the past
Parts Default Favorites
- Parts Needed - Cases with status of Hold (parts)
- Parts Ordered or B/O - Cases with status of Parts Ordered or Parts B/O
We have added Zonar as a supported Telematics Service Provider for fleet customers using Zonar on any of their assets.
- Various refinements have been introduced to further optimize the overall system performance.
- We fixed an issue where the manual resolution of Scheduled Maintenance alerts was being inaccurately logged a day prior to the entered service date.
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