Fixes & Enhancements
We are working on the following fixes and improvements for the next release::
- Technician permissions - don’t allow use of Quick Action Buttons (QABs) or Post To Fleet Button -- since the Technician role is intended to only be able to communicate internally within a service location, we are working on hiding the QABs and Post-to-Fleet button for users who only have the Technician role. Note that if a user has the Technician role plus another role that is able to communicate externally (e.g., Service Advisor role), that overrides the Technician role communication permissions and the buttons will be available.
- Mileage audit trail -- we are working on reversing the order of entries from newest to oldest so that the most recent mileage update is at the top of the list.
- Adding attachments to cases -- when adding attachments to cases, the Choose File button could be partially hidden if the user was in less than full-screen mode. We have a fix coming for that problem.
- Quickstop Banner of Editing Case screen -- if the Asset section is selected for display in the Quickstop Banner, we are working on showing the "Display As" asset values when those exist, matching what's shown in the left navigation bar and the Asset Info sections of that screen.
All Cases Quick Filters Enhancements
We will be providing the following enhancements to our recently released Quick Filters for the All Cases, My Cases and Watching Cases pages:
- In the filter drop-downs, add the ability to clear all Added Filters
- Show Added Filters in the order in which they are added by the user
DMS Integration - Karmak, Add Case Toggle for Non-VIN RO Export
As we did for the Decisiv Web Services DMS integration, we are working on adding a toggle to be able to configure whether or not an asset serial number will be used as the asset identifier in the RO export interface for non-VIN-based assets.
The next release is primarily focused on continuous improvements and fixes. In addition, we are working on the following enhancement:
- We will be eliminating the double step process of selecting the Asset or Depot location data when searching for Service Providers in the Service Event Detail page.
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